Sorry! It's kind of still Monday... as I haven't been asleep lol.
How did it get to 1:30am??
Anyway, as promised I am going to announce the winner of the raffle prize from my launch party on Saturday.
Three lovely ladies qualified on the day and two others placed orders over £40 so also received a strip of raffle tickets.
I wondered on which way would be best to draw the winner ...
It picked number 16 which was Jo.
Congratulations Jo!!
Congratulations Jo!!
Thank you to everyone who placed orders, I'm sure you're going to love playing with your new stash when it arrives. If you get a chance I would love to see what you create with it.
Right, I best get off to bed. I'm helping my little sister move into her new house tomorrow/today and need to be up for 6:30am haha.
Thanks for stopping by,
take care.
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